Cuervos de Sangre
Pièce de théâtre de Luna Luz Sanchez

Mise en scène : Luna Luz Sanchez
Performeuses : Morgane Azoulay, Giulia Cermelli, Céline Klara, Hana Kolic, Léa Tourneur
Scénographie : Cassandra Cristin
Costumes : Noam de Crombrugghe and Zofia Dehmel
Créateur sonore : Eric Morel
Régie lumière et son : Brice Leonard et Ine Van Bortel

2023 : Ritcs, Bruxelles

"It all starts with a death. When the physical body disappears, what remains ? Are there other body shapes ? What does death reveal about our human condition ? When her mother dies, a girl is dive into a suspended time. Conscious of the weight of depth, sometimes distant, sometimes close, she is assailed by memory. Who owns this memory ? Through an initiatory journey, a girl faces female history to finally understand her own path. With the body, the voice and different emotional states, five performers bring out images from subconscious, memories and historical events."